Monday, January 12, 2009

The game stop

This weeks review is about Club Penguin. You can play all sorts of favorite is Pizzatron3000. you have to make 40 pizzas without making 5 mistakes. you waddle around and play with other penguins from across the globe. you could be fighting someone in China, or having a snow ball fight with someone in Pakistan. If you are a member, you get to buy clothes and ubgrade your igloo. If you are not a member you can buy 1 red and 1 blue puffle, and on the special occasions you can still get some of the outfits that members can.just a few days ago there was a member party. It was awsome, but, of course, you had to be a member to get in. Look at for some more fun.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

This is my favorite game on the game cube. Mario Kart Double Dash!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is a game that i have been dreaming of. It Would be the best game ever.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

This is from my favorite wii game mario kart wii
This is from my favorite video, potter puppet pals.

random photos

this is from paint.I found it in the sample pictures.

this is what i came up with.

I made this picture a few months ago on paint.